67No log cabins, Retreat Building, Cycle Store & Maintenance Lodge
Lodges built in 2020 to 2021
White Haus supplied and installed insulated timber frame walls/roof cassettes, timber windows and cladding on 67No units (plus ancillary buildings) on a project for the Forestry Commission in Delamere Forest. The wall panels were fabricated and cladded in our factory, with windows pre-finished and installed in the panels. Curtain walling and front doors were installed on site. Project was delivered at a rate of 2No cabins per week. This project is part of a long running partnership that we have formed with our client.

Detached House, Cornwall
THE PROJECT IN DETAIL: 650m2 Detached House in Cornwall White Haus supplied and installed timber

Everton Road, The Heath
THE PROJECT IN DETAIL: Mel & Phil Skipper – Everton Road, The Heath. 4 Bed

Forest Holidays
THE PROJECT IN DETAIL: 67No log cabins, Retreat Building, Cycle Store & Maintenance Lodge Lodges